Fallout new vegas animation project

Fallout new vegas animation project

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комментариев 7

  1. Nuclear:

    Примечание: я оставил все названия событий без изменений из Lazarus Project и Animation Project.
    Solid Project может взаимодействовать с другими модами. Основным инструментом является универсальная функция для внешнего использования, которая поможет вам получить доступ к переменным мода, чтобы сделать наши моды совместимыми друг с другом. Для этого вам потребуется NVSE.
    Не затрагивайте каких-либо переменных в этот моде – в будущих обновлениях это может привести к потери функциональности. Свяжитесь со мной, если вам нужны новые функции или запрос на существующие.
    Используйте эти функции с осторожностью. Вам просто нужно использовать команду BuildRef.
    int iModIndex
    ref FunctionRef
    int iAPLoaded
    if IsModLoaded “SolidProject.esm”
    set iModIndex to GetModIndex “SolidProject.esm”
    set FunctionRef to BuildRef iModIndex 0003111
    if GetType FunctionRef == 17
    set MyQuest.APFunctionRef to FunctionRef
    set iAPLoaded to 1
    Затем вы можете вызвать функцию из любого места с помощью специального запроса
    Основной список:
    1) “GetVersion” – вернет текущую версию Solid Project
    2) “IsPlayerBusy” – возвратит соответствующее значение, если игрок в данный момент находится под влиянием любой из функций мода
    0 – не затронуто;
    1 –Выполнение приемов;
    2 –Выполнение спринта или перекатов;
    3 – Взять пердмет (от 1-го лица);
    4 – Использовать препарат(от 1-го лица);
    5 – Приземление (анимированное);
    11 –Колесо спутника;
    12 –Предпросмотр предметов;
    13 –Экипировка в режиме реального времени;
    14 –Меню-колесо;
    15 –Восхождение по лестницам.
    3) “TK::GetBanList” – вернет бан-лист для приемов, чтобы вы могли добавить к нему своих НПС – они не будут подвержены влиянию приемов
    4) “TK::GetEventActorA” – возвратит действующего Actor A (Атакующий) для кадра при отправке события (см. ниже)
    5) “TK::GetEventActorB” – возвратит действующего Actor A (Жертва) к кадру при отправке (см. ниже),
    Полный список смотрите в aquestSOPFunctionExtMain function в SolidProject.esm
    NVSE allows to send custom events between mods. This mod utilizes it.
    List of events:
    “APSprintPlayerStartsRunning” – fires when player starts running
    “APSprintPlayerStopsRunning” – fires when player stops running
    “APSprintPlayerStartsRoll” – fires when player starts roll.
    “APSprintPlayerStopsRoll” – fires when player stops roll.
    “APTKModSceneStarted” – fires when Takedowns scene starts for ActorA and Actor B
    “APTKModSceneEnded” – fires when Takedowns scene ends for ActorA and Actor B
    “AFSprintPlayerStartsLand” – fires when Player starts landing.
    “AFSprintPlayerStopsLand” – fires when Player stops landing.
    “SetHotkeyEventCheckForSame” – Will check if chosen hotkey is in use by Animation Project to not let
    player bind the same hotkey for different mods.
    “LPIPItemUp” – fires when item is moved in front of plater in Item Previewer.
    “LPIPItemBack” – fires when player puts item back in Item Previewer.
    “LPIPItemTaken” – fires when Player takes item in Item Previewer.
    “LPIPItemSceneStart” – fires when Item Previewer scene starts.
    For other events look in aquestFunctionEventSend.
    See DoctaSax’ tutorial to learn how to use events. I’ll provide simple examples of how to use events for my mod.
    If you want to return current version of the Animation Project you need to
    do this (Assuming you already built external function MyQuest.APFunctionRef on game load)
    int iVersion
    set iVersion to call MyQuest.APFunctionRef “GetVersion”
    if you want to know whether player is affected by any of the features you need to do:
    if eval (0 == call MyQuest.APFunctionRef “IsPlayerBusy”)
    ; Safe to proceed
    if you want to know whether hotkey set in MCM menu of your mod is used by Animation Project you need to do:
    If GetGameLoaded
    SetEventHandler “SetHotkeyEventCheckForSame” MyScriptForHotkeyEvent
    Scriptname MyScriptForHotkeyEvent
    array_var args
    int iKey
    begin function {args}
    let iKey := args[“key”]
    if iKey == MyQuest.MyHotkey
    MessageBoxEx “This hotkey is used by Animation Project – please choose another hotkey.”
    if you want to know what actors are in current takedown scene you need to use this
    If GetGameLoaded
    SetEventHandler “APTKModSceneStarted” MyScriptForTKEvent
    Scriptname MyScriptForTKEvent
    array_var args
    int iKey
    ref ActorA
    ref ActorB
    begin function {args}
    set ActorA to call MyQuest.APFunctionRef “TK::GetEventActorA”
    set ActorB to call MyQuest.APFunctionRef “TK::GetEventActorB”
    if ActorA == PlayerRef
    ; do this
    Remember – current actors are valid only for particular frame in which event is send. If you use external function
    to check for them in next frame actors might be different.
    When new version comes out do not forget to check aquestSOPFunctionExtMain function for new requests. And don’t forget to check for mod version if you intend to use them. I will always maintain backward-comparability for requests.

  2. Hasenbuhler:

    I’m in the same boat. While I think the Solid Project is really cool and all, I’m not really a fan of all the features that it includes and I don’t trust that disabling the features in the MCM menu would disable any background scripts that are still occurring in such a massive mod. All I wanted was the animations.
    You’re absolutely right. In my experience, disabling features in Solid Project doesn’t entirely work as intended. It’s way too heavyweight for someone who only wants a few of the features. Of course, when I tried explaining this and asking why all the original files were hidden, TommInfinite banned me from viewing all his mods, so c’est la vie. :tongue_eol:
    Now if only I could find Lazarus Project by itself, or better yet, the standalone Hit Marker and Hit Indicator mods…
    Yes. he or she is a brilliant modder, but they seem to have a massive chip on their shoulder and seem like a “my way or the highway” type of person. I wasn’t even going to bother asking for help to avoid being banned. Banning someone (and better yet, banning them from all your mods) for asking a simple question is beyond ridiculous.
    Seems like quite a few people have been requesting standalones though. I managed to find a link to v1 and v5 of Animation Project + Sprint Fix and v10 of Lazarus Project.On mediafire.
    Also uploading it to my dropbox in case it ever goes missing at some point:

  3. Victoria:

    Empty favourite

    Empty favourite

    Empty favourite

    Empty favourite

    Empty favourite

    Empty favourite

    Empty favourite

    Empty favourite

    Empty favourite

    Empty favourite

    Empty favourite

    Empty favourite

    Empty favourite

    Empty favourite

    Empty favourite

    Empty favourite

  4. Видео по Fallout:

  5. Видео по Fallout:

  6. Видео по Fallout:

  7. Видео по Fallout:

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