Патч fallout new vegas

Патч fallout new vegas

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комментариев 6

  1. Kiddo:

    I would just like to give a big thank you to all of the other modders out there who created the bug fixes used for this compilation. Nothing shows your love of a game like being willing to get elbow-deep in it so you can fix its bugs and issues. It’s people like you that make Fallout: New Vegas a game worth playing.
    A separate thank you goes to xporc of the FOOK team, who personally went through FOOK’s latest release and made a special ESM of bug fixes the team was allowed to share with me. A great many bug fixes in this mod are due to his efforts.
    I’d also like to thank miguick, who has provided both insightful feedback on this compilation along with some bug fixes of his own. Some very nice catches in there, a lot that I feel rather silly for overlooking.
    Lopham has provided several pages of comments related to fixes, as well as a few custom fixes sent directly to me. He also tracked down some alternates to fixes I was having trouble getting my hands on, so great thanks for that.
    OniKeaton is a name many of you may be familiar with in the bug fixing game. He has graciously provided all of his existing fixes for use in YUP, along with tons of new fixes sent directly to me, and pages and pages and PAGES of observations on things which should be fixed. Many thanks to him as well.
    I’d also like to thank sandbox6 for several fixes and observations of broken things. However, more than that sandbox6 deserves HUGE credit for being willing to go over the absurd amount of content in MM x.93 and pick out the necessary fixes from the unneeded ones. I cannot overstate how much content there is to examine, especially since it all has to be done in the GECK where comparing the before-and-after is very difficult. It’s a huge task and YUP would not be nearly as good as it is without his efforts.
    I’d also like to thank Mogomra for volunteering to do some necessary level/building edits for Nipton, the Dino Dee-Lite, and the El Rey Motel. Map editing is wholly outside my comfort zone and something I simply can’t do, and not only did he step up to the task he did an absolutely great job.
    Special thanks go to CensorNV and Athelbras for figuring out the cause of (and more importantly, solution to) the infamous ”whiteface” bug with NPCs. They did some rather extensive testing to get to the bottom of the matter, which led to a slightly odd but very workable solution.
    Additional thanks go to ElminsterAU, Zilav, and Sharlikran for their work on TES5Edit, A.K.A. FNVEdit, a tool without which this compilation would not be possible.
    Another big, big thanks to The 3rd Type for making the logo for YUP. He jumped at the chance to make a logo for me, and his help is greatly appreciated given that I’m rubbish at visuals. 😛
    I’m sure I’m forgetting others. If I am, please don’t be mad. This is TRULY a community-driven project, and with so many people I just can’t keep track. You’re all amazing.

  2. Darryl:

    01.01.2017, 00:00
    Обновление предназначено для версии FOW 3.7.0 и старше. Все патчи кумулятивные, т.е. последняя версия патча включает все предыдущие версии.
    • Историю старых версий со списком изменений вы можете просмотреть на отдельной странице:
    • Перейти к истории версий Fallout New Vegas >>

    Патч 3.7.5:
    • Технические изменения в лаунчере FOW.
    • Обновлен NVSE до версии 5.1b4.
    • Обновлен JIP плагин для NVSE до версии 51.80.
    • Добавлена совместимость F4QuickLoot с новой версией NVSE (эксклюзив, которого нигде нет).
    • Теперь вы можете спокойно ставить “Solid Project” поверх FOW. В самой сборке он появится в следующем крупном обновлении.
    Патч 3.7.4:
    • Изменен принцип отключения Quick Loot в лаунчере, добавлены подсказки по исправлению ошибки интерфейса в лаунчер. Больше не придется залезать в менеджер модификаций и вручную отключать файл.
    Патч 3.7.3:
    • Исправлено большое количество опечаток.
    • Уменьшен вес некоторого оружия (пистолет с подзарядкой, архимед)
    • Исправлено несколько несоответствий названия рецепта, компонентов и изготавливаемой вещи.
    • Изменены некоторые дублирующиеся названия вещей для легкого определения в окне крафта.
    • Изменены наборы режимов зрения для некоторых видов брони (ПНВ, Тепловизор, ЭМ визор).
    • Возможность отключить интерфейс быстрого обыска в лаунчере (пустой плагин с измененным текстом сообщения выхода из настроек).
    • Лаунчер больше не сбрасывает настройки ускорителя NVSE (Stutter Remover) при запуске, для сброса необходимо его деактивировать и активировать снова.
    Прочитайте инструкцию, как скачивать с Яндек-диска на большой скорости.
    При установке антивирус может блокировать файл лаунчера.
    Некоторые антивирусы ошибочно считают его потенциально опасной программой. Уверяем, это не так.
    Исходный код доступен в папке FLauncher.
    • Порядок подключения плагинов >>



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