Майк мачете fallout 4

Майк мачете fallout 4

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комментария 3

  1. Alicia:

    The best part about starting the DLC last night is that the outcomes of the choices aren’t immediately available. I sat there for about 2 minutes trying to decide and then ran back to him two more times wondering if I was going to regret the decision. Not knowing and HAVING to make a decision regardless of being able to know the outcome is rare in games. And the internet makes it impossible to not know what the outcome will be for very long after something is new. Embrace it and make bad decisions now while you still can!
    It’s hard for developers to put too much depth into these type of mechanics/storylines however. As much as fans beg for it, a lot of other people scream, cry and demand refunds when they find out they can’t be friends with everyone or that their decision is not only unreversable but led to something they don’t like.
    But I understand what you mean which is why I’m sticking by my decision regardless. I’m mostly curious if anyone helped him and found out what it was he was working on…or do you just get caps and never see him again.
    He was working on a cure for male pattern baldness and with those tools he could of completed it, but some long hair killed him for caps…

  2. Zoe:

    User Info: Tyrhondr

    Tyrhondr 2 years ago#1
    He wants to buy my power tools for 2000 caps…i have 90k caps. If I sell to him, does anything besides getting caps happen? like quests or settlements down the line? Or should I just bring em back to the mariner?

    User Info: cheezedadada

    cheezedadada 2 years ago#2
    I brought the tools back to Far Harbor. I’m pretty sure that if you sell it to him you don’t get the subsequent quests from the Mariner. That and if you really want to you could just kill him and steal his caps and keep the tools.
    XBL- cheezedadada / PSN- cheezedadadada

    User Info: Zareth

    Zareth 2 years ago#3
    cheezedadada posted…
    That and if you really want to you could just kill him and steal his caps and keep the tools.
    That’s what I did.
    It’s okay, I have no idea who I am either.
    http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a374/sage_assassin20/13295475117601.gif http://i.imgur.com/WOo6wcq.png

    User Info: XioDrago

    XioDrago 2 years ago#4
    Slaughter Mike for being a coward, he couldn’t deal with ghouls? Pansy.

    User Info: Crauling

    Crauling 2 years ago#5
    I came across Machete Mike and some ghouls ended up killing him before I had the chance to talk to him. Oh well.
    It takes the smartest individuals to realize there’s always more to learn. – Fallout 3, Intelligence Bobblehead

    User Info: Hershawitz

    Hershawitz 2 years ago#6
    Mike accidentally ran in front of Atom’s Judgment as I was fighting ghouls. Glad to know he wasn’t important.

    User Info: Onox74

    Onox74 2 years ago#7
    For reference, I did the speech check for more caps, declined the deal, and killed him for them. It locked me out of the Mariner’s other quest and it comes up later on.
    3DS FC: 0559-6763-0042

    User Info: Gen871

    Gen871 2 years ago#8
    Just kill him you get even more caps from his corpse than what he was offering.
    We are all men born to die. The only thing that matters is when and how.

    User Info: Macnutt17

    Macnutt17 2 years ago#9
    If you kill him you miss out on the Marnier quests and help in the end of far harbor. BUT if you decline his offer, pickpocket him successfully or get cagught and then kill him you get about 3100 said and this does not effect the mariners quests . Killing him in defence is better than kiling him for no reason

  3. Cha:

    The best part about starting the DLC last night is that the outcomes of the choices aren’t immediately available. I sat there for about 2 minutes trying to decide and then ran back to him two more times wondering if I was going to regret the decision. Not knowing and HAVING to make a decision regardless of being able to know the outcome is rare in games. And the internet makes it impossible to not know what the outcome will be for very long after something is new. Embrace it and make bad decisions now while you still can!
    It’s hard for developers to put too much depth into these type of mechanics/storylines however. As much as fans beg for it, a lot of other people scream, cry and demand refunds when they find out they can’t be friends with everyone or that their decision is not only unreversable but led to something they don’t like.
    But I understand what you mean which is why I’m sticking by my decision regardless. I’m mostly curious if anyone helped him and found out what it was he was working on…or do you just get caps and never see him again.
    He was working on a cure for male pattern baldness and with those tools he could of completed it, but some long hair killed him for caps…

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