Описание: Эта программа предназначена для автоматической установки модов в Fallout 4, Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout 3, New Vegas, Dark Souls и других игр, удобного их хранения, отключения ненужных и т.д. Программа на английском языке, но все равно проста в использовании. Возможности программы: – выбирайте, скачивайте и устанавливайте плагины с skyrim.nexusmods.com; – выбирайте и устанавливайте моды с вашего жесткого диска; – автоматически отслеживайте и обновляйте установленные моды, на skyrim.nexusmods.com; – ручная сортировка установленных модов; – корректное удаление установленных модов; – поддержка Archive Invalidation; – запуск игры. – профили пользователей Последние обновления: 0.63.1 Различные фиксы и улучшения 0.61.23: Множество мелких фиксов и улучшений 0.61.13: 1. Поддержка новых игр 2. Множество фиксов 3. Прошу прощения за долгое обновление 🙂 0.61.6: 1. Добавлена поддержка Dragon’s Dogma 2. Исправлена проблема, из-за которой распакованные файлы игры, перезаписанные модами, были потеряны при смене профиля. 3. Исправлен вылет при щелчке мышкой по пустому элементу в меню профилей. 4. Исправлен вылет во время добавления элемента в установке мода. 5. Исправлено показываемое название Fallout 4. 6. Исправлена проблема, из-за которой некоторые моды неправильно устанавливались на Ведьмак 3 и Starbound. 7. Исправлена проблема с некоторыми модами на Ведьмак 3, которые отмечались как “не поддерживаемые”. 8. Добавлена новая проверка для быстрого обнаружения папок игры в папке Steam. 0.61.5: Багфикс: Исправлена проблема с категориями Fallout 4. Багфикс: Переработано контекстное меню для контроля модов. Багфикс: Улучшен исходный код и обновлен для работы с .Net Framework 4.6. 0.61.4: Багфикс: Добавлен запуск через F4SE. Багфикс: Переделано оповещение насчет ini Багфикс: Иправлена проблема, из-за которой NMM мог снимать галочку “только чтение” при запуске игры Багфикс: Исправлена установка файлов .mp3 и .bgsm в режиме MultiHD. Багфикс: Исправлен вылет при использовании функции “Удалить из всех профилей” 0.61.3: Пока нет. Хотфикс 0.61.2: NMM предоставит более подробную подсказку, если не сможет проверить Fallout4 ini, также больше не препятствует установке мода Исправлено – неправильная установка .bsa файлов для Skyrim в режиме multiHD Исправлено – неправильная установка файлов .mp3 Исправлено – сохранение ссылки на мод при отключении мода Исправлено – вылет при попытке изменить профиль, когда шла проверка плагинов-мастеров Хотфикс 0.61.1: Исправлен баг с восстановлением перезаписанных файлов Исправлен баг с установщиками, которые не могли проверить определенные зависимости при установке. Версия 0-61-0 Поддержка модификаций Fallout 4 Плагины, у которых отсутствует мастер, в списке будут подсвечиваться красным Обновленные функции будут показываться во всплывающем окне Исправлен вылет во время изменения профиля Внимание! Для использования программы, начиная с версии 0.50.0 необходим .Net Framework 4.5 Установка: Архив содержит две версии, для WIN XP и для WIN Vista, 7, 8, выбираем нужную версию. 1. Запускаем 2. Устанавливаем 3. Запускаем Nexus Mod Manager 4. Выбираем игру, которой пользуемся (в нашем случае – Skyrim) 5. Выбераем папку с игрой 6. Регистрируемся здесь: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/ и вводим свои данные логина и пароля. Вот и все.
Hi guys. I thought I’d write up a tutorial here on the forum as I’ve seen in the comments of a lot of popular mods that a lot of new comers to modding are having trouble and the attitudes of some mod authors to these people have been less than satisfactory. This is going to cover the use of NMM to manually install mods and how to prepare your game for modding itself. If you have already installed any modifications to your game but you are having issues what I would like you to do before anything else is to go into your Nexus Mod Manager and select the following button; Tools > Uninstall all active mods
Picture One.jpg54.39KB 67 downloads Now that we have that out of the way there are three crucial things we must perform to ensure you game is safely able to accept mod’s. – First, ensure your Steam program itself is installed on your C Drive > OUTSIDE < of Program Files or Program Files (x86). If it is in those then back up all of your Steam games to an external device, uninstall Steam and then reinstall Steam into a more friendly location on your C drive. My location is C:\Valve\Steam.
This has to be done because mods have issues being installed in places where you need admin rights or UAC or some technical thingy. I don't know why but that is just how it is.
- Secondly, uninstall New Vegas and reinstall it fresh. To do this use the uninstall feature in Steam and then proceed to manually delete anything else in C:\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Fallout New Vegas (honestly, just delete the whole folder).
Reinstall it afterwards and make a backup of the virgin copy to avoid re-downloading it again. Why I suggest re-downloading it all again is that some mods may have altered the official ESM's and BSA's. Not likely, however, BOSS does suggest the cleaning of a few of the ESM's so it is possible that mods may have tinkered with them.
- Thirdly and finally we need to run the virgin copy of New Vegas so it generates new Ini's and lets you setup your graphics via the launcher. After that run the game. Nexus Mod Manager will probably prompt you about this as well if you have not run the game before running NMM.
Once these three steps are done you can safely mod New Vegas with the instructions I am going to be writing below. I will admit I am going to be assuming you have at least played Vanilla New Vegas to a point where you understand the Vanilla game play and why Modding was necessary to improve upon it. If you have not done this then I suggest to post pone the modification of your game until you are familiar with the Vanilla game play and quest lines.
The first thing I want to mention is that Gopher, another Nexus user and a YouTuber (he has a really hot accent as well so its easy to listen to him ) has some video tutorials that are great for learning to lightly mod your game. If you would like to have some video teaching then I honestly suggest him over the rest of my post, however, some of his videos are slightly out of date. If you are really only wanting to lightly mod your game then he is the way to go. His New Vegas playlist is about installing various popular mod’s such as Project Nevada. Infact, I am not going to cover Project Nevada, NMC or DarnUI as it is already covered fantastically by Gopher. https://www.youtube….E5E8CA384409B11 — Ok everyone! The first tool we want to install for Fallout New Vegas is the New Vegas Script extender. You can obtain this from http://nvse.silverlock.org/ On that website there are a few downloads but the one we want for modding New Vegas as of July 2013 is the BETA build; Picture Two.jpg68.99KB 38 downloads After downloading that you must open its archive. I suggest either WinZip, WinRar or 7Zip to do this. After that place all of the contents of the folder inside of C:\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Fallout New Vegas That’s all there is to NVSE. — Now, the second tool we want to immediately ensure we have ready is the 4GB extender. This is necessary and do not play without it. http://newvegas.nexu…om/mods/35262/? This is installed much in the same way as NVSE. Follow the instruction on the author’s mod page. — Now with those two programs installed we can begin some serious modding. The first mod we want to install is NVEC which is short for New Vegas Enhanced Content. Do NOT download that mod with manager however, download it manually as seen; Picture Three.jpg35.29KB 88 downloads Once that has completed unzip it and then run the EXE. Easy! Have a look at the following links to see what you just installed and bookmark these links! Whenever you install a new mod check to make sure it is not already included! In my honest opinion NVEC is “the” first mod anyone should install as it has so much superb content inside. — Ok. This is the last section of my guide but it is probably the most important section because it is about creating archives that NMM can read. It’s not going to be long though as it’s really simple. After downloading manually a mod (unless it states it can be used with NMM although I suggest do it manually anyway) inspect its framework. If it has inside the zip saying (Mod Name)>Data>Meshes/Textures etc then you are probably safe installing it via NMM. However, if it does not have that and has a variety of sections this is what you must remember. The game reads mods in the Data folder, always. So ensure you unzip the archive and rearrange the file structure to be Data/Meshes or Data/Textures or even Data/ depending on the type of mod it is. Once you have done that just re-zip it with whichever program you used to unzip it and then you can manually add it into NMM and then away you go! — Hopefully this short guide has helped some people. If anyone wants me to clarify some points or explain something in more detail just drop a post and I’ll try my best. Edited by Dweedle, 24 July 2013 – 07:02 AM.
DjHotness 6 years ago#1 Ive just been extracting my dlled mods to my data folder but kinda wanna use a mod manager to make it easier. Which should I use? Kick in tha door wavin’ the 44! All yah heard was poppa dont hit me no more! D;
User Info: waterrabbit
waterrabbit 6 years ago#2 That would depend on the mod. Some still don’t work well with NMM. I have had more luck with installing mods through FOMM.
User Info: Roniellio
Roniellio 6 years ago#3 Get the FOMM that lets you switch between FO3 and FONV. i5-2500K @ 3.3GHz | EVGA GTX 560 Ti DS | 1TB + 2TB HDD | 8GB DDR3 | 600w | 1920×1080
User Info: zotobom
zotobom 6 years ago#4 Roniello,they can both switch. I would choose NMM just for that “download to manager” button on the Nexus Sent from my iPad via PowerFAQs 1.9
User Info: Roniellio
Roniellio 6 years ago#5 zotobom posted… Roniello,they can both switch. I would choose NMM just for that “download to manager” button on the Nexus True but FOMM does it better for FO3/NV The past couple of times I used NMM for managing FONV, it borked my game and I had to reinstall it, piece by piece. Same with Oblivion, but for some reason not Skyrim. i5-2500K @ 3.3GHz | EVGA GTX 560 Ti DS | 1TB + 2TB HDD | 8GB DDR3 | 600w | 1920×1080
User Info: AlleRacing
AlleRacing 6 years ago#6 NMM was made with Skyrim in mind. It has yet to give me an issue with Fallout 3 or New Vegas. NMM isn’t compatible with OBMM (mainly because that was just a ****ty program), don’t even try it with Morrowind, I recommend manual installs for that on, unless the mod comes with an installer, like Morrowind Overhaul. http://img356.imageshack.us/img356/8325/scrunchface2copyfx0.png http://www.xboxlc.com/cards/default/alle5.jpg
User Info: DoomIntern
DoomIntern 6 years ago#7 From: zotobom | #004 Roniello,they can both switch. I would choose NMM just for that “download to manager” button on the Nexus I think this is bugged or something as it downloads are compatibility patches and not the actual mod. . 13F. http://www.smackjeeves.com/images/uploaded/comics/b/b/bb94b088aRYwR.png
User Info: EnjoyMe
EnjoyMe 6 years ago#8 I just manually install mods (it’s really easy, most of the time) and then manage their order in NMM. Never have any conflicts or problems. [E[]V[]e *also responds to Santana*
User Info: Disco Joe
Disco Joe 6 years ago#9 NMM works fine with New Vegas. It has a better interface and it uses the BOSS sorter now too. http://steamcommunity.com/id/cupcupbaconbox
User Info: zotobom
zotobom 6 years ago#10 Quote:NMM works fine with New Vegas. It has a better interface and it uses the BOSS sorter now too. @Disco Joe QFT Sent from my iPad via PowerFAQs 1.9
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Эта программа предназначена для автоматической установки модов в Fallout 4, Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout 3, New Vegas, Dark Souls и других игр, удобного их хранения, отключения ненужных и т.д. Программа на английском языке, но все равно проста в использовании.
Возможности программы:
– выбирайте, скачивайте и устанавливайте плагины с skyrim.nexusmods.com;
– выбирайте и устанавливайте моды с вашего жесткого диска;
– автоматически отслеживайте и обновляйте установленные моды, на skyrim.nexusmods.com;
– ручная сортировка установленных модов;
– корректное удаление установленных модов;
– поддержка Archive Invalidation;
– запуск игры.
– профили пользователей
Последние обновления:
Различные фиксы и улучшения
Множество мелких фиксов и улучшений
1. Поддержка новых игр
2. Множество фиксов
3. Прошу прощения за долгое обновление 🙂
1. Добавлена поддержка Dragon’s Dogma
2. Исправлена проблема, из-за которой распакованные файлы игры, перезаписанные модами, были потеряны при смене профиля.
3. Исправлен вылет при щелчке мышкой по пустому элементу в меню профилей.
4. Исправлен вылет во время добавления элемента в установке мода.
5. Исправлено показываемое название Fallout 4.
6. Исправлена проблема, из-за которой некоторые моды неправильно устанавливались на Ведьмак 3 и Starbound.
7. Исправлена проблема с некоторыми модами на Ведьмак 3, которые отмечались как “не поддерживаемые”.
8. Добавлена новая проверка для быстрого обнаружения папок игры в папке Steam.
Багфикс: Исправлена проблема с категориями Fallout 4.
Багфикс: Переработано контекстное меню для контроля модов.
Багфикс: Улучшен исходный код и обновлен для работы с .Net Framework 4.6.
Багфикс: Добавлен запуск через F4SE.
Багфикс: Переделано оповещение насчет ini
Багфикс: Иправлена проблема, из-за которой NMM мог снимать галочку “только чтение” при запуске игры
Багфикс: Исправлена установка файлов .mp3 и .bgsm в режиме MultiHD.
Багфикс: Исправлен вылет при использовании функции “Удалить из всех профилей”
Пока нет.
Хотфикс 0.61.2:
NMM предоставит более подробную подсказку, если не сможет проверить Fallout4 ini, также больше не препятствует установке мода
Исправлено – неправильная установка .bsa файлов для Skyrim в режиме multiHD
Исправлено – неправильная установка файлов .mp3
Исправлено – сохранение ссылки на мод при отключении мода
Исправлено – вылет при попытке изменить профиль, когда шла проверка плагинов-мастеров
Хотфикс 0.61.1:
Исправлен баг с восстановлением перезаписанных файлов
Исправлен баг с установщиками, которые не могли проверить определенные зависимости при установке.
Версия 0-61-0
Поддержка модификаций Fallout 4
Плагины, у которых отсутствует мастер, в списке будут подсвечиваться красным
Обновленные функции будут показываться во всплывающем окне
Исправлен вылет во время изменения профиля
Для использования программы, начиная с версии 0.50.0 необходим .Net Framework 4.5
Архив содержит две версии, для WIN XP и для WIN Vista, 7, 8, выбираем нужную версию.
1. Запускаем
2. Устанавливаем
3. Запускаем Nexus Mod Manager
4. Выбираем игру, которой пользуемся (в нашем случае – Skyrim)
5. Выбераем папку с игрой
6. Регистрируемся здесь: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/ и вводим свои данные логина и пароля. Вот и все.
Hi guys. I thought I’d write up a tutorial here on the forum as I’ve seen in the comments of a lot of popular mods that a lot of new comers to modding are having trouble and the attitudes of some mod authors to these people have been less than satisfactory. This is going to cover the use of NMM to manually install mods and how to prepare your game for modding itself.
If you have already installed any modifications to your game but you are having issues what I would like you to do before anything else is to go into your Nexus Mod Manager and select the following button;
Tools > Uninstall all active mods
Picture One.jpg 54.39KB
Now that we have that out of the way there are three crucial things we must perform to ensure you game is safely able to accept mod’s.
– First, ensure your Steam program itself is installed on your C Drive > OUTSIDE < of Program Files or Program Files (x86). If it is in those then back up all of your Steam games to an external device, uninstall Steam and then reinstall Steam into a more friendly location on your C drive. My location is C:\Valve\Steam. This has to be done because mods have issues being installed in places where you need admin rights or UAC or some technical thingy. I don't know why but that is just how it is. - Secondly, uninstall New Vegas and reinstall it fresh. To do this use the uninstall feature in Steam and then proceed to manually delete anything else in C:\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Fallout New Vegas (honestly, just delete the whole folder). Reinstall it afterwards and make a backup of the virgin copy to avoid re-downloading it again. Why I suggest re-downloading it all again is that some mods may have altered the official ESM's and BSA's. Not likely, however, BOSS does suggest the cleaning of a few of the ESM's so it is possible that mods may have tinkered with them. - Thirdly and finally we need to run the virgin copy of New Vegas so it generates new Ini's and lets you setup your graphics via the launcher. After that run the game. Nexus Mod Manager will probably prompt you about this as well if you have not run the game before running NMM. --- Once these three steps are done you can safely mod New Vegas with the instructions I am going to be writing below. I will admit I am going to be assuming you have at least played Vanilla New Vegas to a point where you understand the Vanilla game play and why Modding was necessary to improve upon it. If you have not done this then I suggest to post pone the modification of your game until you are familiar with the Vanilla game play and quest lines. The first thing I want to mention is that Gopher, another Nexus user and a YouTuber (he has a really hot accent as well so its easy to listen to him ) has some video tutorials that are great for learning to lightly mod your game. If you would like to have some video teaching then I honestly suggest him over the rest of my post, however, some of his videos are slightly out of date.
If you are really only wanting to lightly mod your game then he is the way to go. His New Vegas playlist is about installing various popular mod’s such as Project Nevada.
Infact, I am not going to cover Project Nevada, NMC or DarnUI as it is already covered fantastically by Gopher.
Ok everyone! The first tool we want to install for Fallout New Vegas is the New Vegas Script extender. You can obtain this from http://nvse.silverlock.org/
On that website there are a few downloads but the one we want for modding New Vegas as of July 2013 is the BETA build;
Picture Two.jpg 68.99KB
After downloading that you must open its archive. I suggest either WinZip, WinRar or 7Zip to do this.
After that place all of the contents of the folder inside of C:\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\Common\Fallout New Vegas
That’s all there is to NVSE.
Now, the second tool we want to immediately ensure we have ready is the 4GB extender. This is necessary and do not play without it.
This is installed much in the same way as NVSE. Follow the instruction on the author’s mod page.
Now with those two programs installed we can begin some serious modding. The first mod we want to install is NVEC which is short for New Vegas Enhanced Content.
Do NOT download that mod with manager however, download it manually as seen;
Picture Three.jpg 35.29KB
Once that has completed unzip it and then run the EXE. Easy!
Have a look at the following links to see what you just installed and bookmark these links! Whenever you install a new mod check to make sure it is not already included!
In my honest opinion NVEC is “the” first mod anyone should install as it has so much superb content inside.
Ok. This is the last section of my guide but it is probably the most important section because it is about creating archives that NMM can read. It’s not going to be long though as it’s really simple.
After downloading manually a mod (unless it states it can be used with NMM although I suggest do it manually anyway) inspect its framework. If it has inside the zip saying (Mod Name)>Data>Meshes/Textures etc then you are probably safe installing it via NMM.
However, if it does not have that and has a variety of sections this is what you must remember. The game reads mods in the Data folder, always. So ensure you unzip the archive and rearrange the file structure to be Data/Meshes or Data/Textures or even Data/ depending on the type of mod it is.
Once you have done that just re-zip it with whichever program you used to unzip it and then you can manually add it into NMM and then away you go!
Hopefully this short guide has helped some people. If anyone wants me to clarify some points or explain something in more detail just drop a post and I’ll try my best.
Edited by Dweedle, 24 July 2013 – 07:02 AM.
User Info: DjHotness
DjHotness 6 years ago#1
Ive just been extracting my dlled mods to my data folder but kinda wanna use a mod manager to make it easier. Which should I use?
Kick in tha door wavin’ the 44! All yah heard was poppa dont hit me no more! D;
User Info: waterrabbit
waterrabbit 6 years ago#2
That would depend on the mod. Some still don’t work well with NMM. I have had more luck with installing mods through FOMM.
User Info: Roniellio
Roniellio 6 years ago#3
Get the FOMM that lets you switch between FO3 and FONV.
i5-2500K @ 3.3GHz | EVGA GTX 560 Ti DS | 1TB + 2TB HDD | 8GB DDR3 | 600w | 1920×1080
User Info: zotobom
zotobom 6 years ago#4
Roniello,they can both switch. I would choose NMM just for that “download to manager” button on the Nexus
Sent from my iPad via PowerFAQs 1.9
User Info: Roniellio
Roniellio 6 years ago#5
zotobom posted…
Roniello,they can both switch. I would choose NMM just for that “download to manager” button on the Nexus
True but FOMM does it better for FO3/NV
The past couple of times I used NMM for managing FONV, it borked my game and I had to reinstall it, piece by piece. Same with Oblivion, but for some reason not Skyrim.
i5-2500K @ 3.3GHz | EVGA GTX 560 Ti DS | 1TB + 2TB HDD | 8GB DDR3 | 600w | 1920×1080
User Info: AlleRacing
AlleRacing 6 years ago#6
NMM was made with Skyrim in mind. It has yet to give me an issue with Fallout 3 or New Vegas. NMM isn’t compatible with OBMM (mainly because that was just a ****ty program), don’t even try it with Morrowind, I recommend manual installs for that on, unless the mod comes with an installer, like Morrowind Overhaul.
User Info: DoomIntern
DoomIntern 6 years ago#7
From: zotobom | #004
Roniello,they can both switch. I would choose NMM just for that “download to manager” button on the Nexus
I think this is bugged or something as it downloads are compatibility patches and not the actual mod.
User Info: EnjoyMe
EnjoyMe 6 years ago#8
I just manually install mods (it’s really easy, most of the time) and then manage their order in NMM.
Never have any conflicts or problems.
[E[]V[]e *also responds to Santana*
User Info: Disco Joe
Disco Joe 6 years ago#9
NMM works fine with New Vegas. It has a better interface and it uses the BOSS sorter now too.
User Info: zotobom
zotobom 6 years ago#10
Quote:NMM works fine with New Vegas. It has a better interface and it uses the BOSS sorter now too.
@Disco Joe
Sent from my iPad via PowerFAQs 1.9